#321 — September 4, 2020

Read on the Web

📱 Mobile Dev Weekly

Brian Rinaldi recommends

NativeScript 7.0 Released — Marks a signficant step forward for the framework by aligning with modern JS standards and bringing broad consistency across the whole stack.


Peter Cooper recommends

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Goes Alpha — Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) is an SDK that allows you to use the same business logic code in both iOS and Android apps. It’s now in alpha.

Ekaterina Petrova

Launch Scalable iOS/Swift, Android, React Chat In Days — Stream makes it easy with SDKs and Chat React UI Components. Stream powers Feeds and Chat for over 500 million end-users.

Stream sponsor

Peter Cooper recommends

Apple Delays Privacy Feature That Would Let iPhone Owners Keep Ad Tracking At Bay — The new privacy rule could upend the mobile ad market.

Nick Statt

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Comparing Browsers for Responsive Design — A look at the various specialist dev browsers that are available for simultaneously viewing your site at different dimensions.

Chris Coyier

Peter Cooper recommends

▶  Are PWAs Ready to Take Over The World? — A roughly half-hour talk highlighting the main PWA features and a comparison of how they behave across different platforms and web browsers.

Jarek Lipski

Holly Schinsky recommends

The Flutter GetX Ecosystem: State Management — How to implement GetX as an approach to state management in Flutter.

Aachman Garg

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Four Ways To Creatively Use Icons In Your Mobile Apps — Beyond using them to create larger and more attractive touch targets, there are other ways designers can use these tiny elements to make an app more engaging. This post explores four ways to do this.

Suzanne Scacca

Chris Brandrick recommends

Here’s How iOS 14’s New App Clips Feature Will Work — Explains how the App Clips feature will work on iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 when it is officially available to the public.

Filipe EspĂłsito

How Mobile Commerce is Transforming UX and CX Forever — Mobile commerce is not only shaping new customer expectations, it’s transforming customer experience (CX) altogether.

Shopify Partners sponsor

Peter Cooper recommends

App Review Process Updates — A brief note from Apple on the App Store review process and guideline violations.

Apple Developer

Holly Schinsky recommends

Implementing Dark Mode in React Native

Juhi Tiwari

Chris Brandrick recommends

Analyzing Facebook's iOS14 Advertising Changes

Mobile Dev Memo

Holly Schinsky recommends

Ten of The Most Liked Flutter Packages

Erik van Baaren