#348 — March 26, 2021

Read on the Web

📱 Mobile Dev Weekly

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Future Focused Responsive Design — The future of responsive design is about more than just screen size but accessibility on a range of devices: "All the tweaks you need to make to support newer devices are the same tweaks you need to make to build accessible web pages".

Ada Rose Cannon

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Au Revoir, Mon AMPmour? — A look at Google’s decision to allow core web vitals to determine inclusion in the Google News carousel and what it means for AMP.

Ethan Marcotte

Peter Cooper recommends

The End of AMP?In relation to the above item. Google has confirmed that AMP pages will stop receiving special treatment in search results. So, does this lack of rating boost spell the end of the framework?

Dwayne Lafleur

Peter Cooper recommends

Monitoring App Performance on iOS — A guide to metrics and tools in the Apple app performance ecosystem.

Corbin Montague

Holly Schinsky recommends

Flutter Is No Longer A Cross-Platform Framework — It Is Something More — A software developer discusses reasons why he believes Flutter is much more than a cross-platform framework.

Luke Urban

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Instagram Lite Is No Longer a Progressive Web App — Now a Native App — This lightweight version of the app was relaunched on Android earlier this month, ditching the PWA version in favor of using an internal framework called ‘Bloks’.

Richard MacManus

Holly Schinsky recommends

What’s New in InAppWebView 5? Null-safety, New Features, Bug Fixes — Version 5 of the flutter_inappwebview plugin has been released — here’s what’s new.

Lorenzo Pichilli

Peter Cooper recommends

'Nobody Designs for Small iPhone Devices Anymore' — A lot of screenshot examples here showing the issue in practice.

Law Gimenez

Chris Brandrick recommends

Responsively: A Native Responsive Design Testing Tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux — A dev-tool that aids faster and precise responsive web development.


Chris Brandrick recommends

The History of Snake: How The Nokia Game Defined A New Era for The Mobile Industry

Ayla Angelos

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Google Fixes Issue Causing Android Apps to Crash with Updates to Chrome and WebView

Jay Peters

⚡️ Quick Bits

No Hacks, Your PWA Will Have to Work Offline Soon
Kevin Basset

React Native 0.64 Brings the Hermes JavaScript Engine to iOS
Sergio De Simone

Pangolin Mobile Is A New Open Source User Interface for Smartphones
Brad Linder

Seven Best Practices for Those Getting Started With React Native Apps

How to Use Mobile Emulation Mode in Chrome
Craig Buckler