#347 — March 19, 2021

Read on the Web

📱 Mobile Dev Weekly

Peter Cooper recommends

Google Drops Google Play Fee to 15% (For First Million) — Apple was recently lured into taking a lower cut of App Store revenues and announced a 15% rate (down from 30%) for developers making under $1m in revenue. Google has now undercut this with essentially a 15% marginal rate for all developers on the sub-$1m revenues.


Brian Rinaldi recommends

ML Kit for iOS and Android Now Generally Available — This toolset to add machine learning into native Android and iOS apps launched back in 2018 and is now GA with some new features.

Google Developers

Brian Rinaldi recommends

New Mobile Native Foundation to Foster Development Collaboration — This foundation aims to being developers from several large organizations together to “improve processes and technologies that support large-scale Android and iOS applications”.

Kristin O'Connell

Chris Brandrick recommends

The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap, 2021 — Alex gives an update on phones, networks, browsers, and the new baseline scenario for web performance.

Alex Russell

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Accessible Text Scaling for Android — As many as 33% of users change the text size on their phones, but many apps are not designed to handle this properly. This looks at common issues and how to fix them.

Sigute K

Peter Cooper recommends

What’s New In Flutter 2? — Looks at some of the technical changes to Flutter which got onto the stable channel with version 2.0. Plus this post runs through building an example app to help draw some conclusions on what specific project types we could and couldn’t use Flutter for as of now.

Carmine Zaccagnino

Holly Schinsky recommends

Passcode Lock Screen In Flutter — How to use the passcode lock screen in your Flutter apps.

Shaiq Khan

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Solving the Most Common AMP Issues to Boost Accelerated Page Performance — A look at some common validation issues you might hit when creating an AMP version of a site.


Holly Schinsky recommends

LayoutBuilder Widget In Flutter — A demo app showing how to use the Layout Builder in your flutter applications.

Naveen Srivastava

Chris Brandrick recommends

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