#292 — February 7, 2020

Read on the Web

Mobile Developer Weekly

Peter Cooper recommends

What’s New in Swift 5.2 — The first beta of Swift 5.2 just landed with the Xcode 11.4 beta, so here’s a look at what you can expect, including key path expressions as functions, callAsFunction, and more.

Paul Hudson

Chris Brandrick recommends

China's Mobile Giants to Take On Google's Play Store — Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo & Vivo are said to be joining forces to create a platform for devs outside of China to upload apps onto all of their app stores simultaneously — a move analysts say is meant to challenge the dominance of Google’s Play store.

David Kirton

Video Streaming API That's Made for Mobile — Integrating seamlessly into your mobile app's UI, Mux Video is an API-first platform that makes it easy to build beautiful video that streams on any device.

Mux sponsor

Peter Cooper recommends

Introducing Swift Crypto — This new open-source project is a Swift package that brings the APIs of Apple CryptoKit to the wider Swift community. It’s designed to allow Swift devs, regardless of the platform on which they deploy their apps, to access these APIs for a common set of cryptographic operations.


Holly Schinsky recommends

Lessons Learned Migrating a Production App to Flutter — Highlights a few lessons “learned the hard way”, with advice to help you be more effective in your next Flutter project.

Dhananjay Trivedi

Peter Cooper recommends

NativeScript Replaces JavaScriptCore with V8 for iOS Apps — NativeScript’s new JavaScript runtime for iOS, based on Google’s V8 engine, is now in beta.


Brian Rinaldi recommends

Concurrency Explained: How to Build a Multi-Threaded iOS App — An in-depth comparison of synchronous and asynchronous execution, as well as serial and concurrent queues in the Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) framework.

Besher Al Maleh

Chris Brandrick recommends

Apple Wants to Standardize The Format of SMS One-Time Passcodes — A WebKit team proposal aims to improve the security of one-time passcodes sent to users via SMS.

Catalin Cimpanu

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Better iOS Apps with Interaction-Driven Design — Explains what Interaction-Driven Design (IDD) is and how it can change the way you build apps.

Pablo Manuelli

Holly Schinsky recommends

Why Choose Flutter in 2020? — Advantages to choosing Flutter for building mobile apps in 2020.

Kenneth Reilly

Faster CI/CD for All Your Software Projects Using Buildkite — See how Shopify scaled from 300 to 1500 engineers while keeping their build times under 5 minutes.

Buildkite sponsor

Chris Brandrick recommends

Apple and Google’s Tough New Location Privacy Controls Are Working — There’s said to have been a nearly 70% drop in the amount of location data collected by marketers since iOS 13 launched last fall.

Jared Newman

Holly Schinsky recommends

GFToast: A Flutter Toast Widget — A widget component for building Flutter toast notifications.


Chris Brandrick recommends

Replicache: Easy Offline-First for Existing Applications — This in-development caching tool claims to be “the best way to build blazingly responsive offline-first apps”. It’s early days though, as you can only request early access right now.


🗓 Upcoming Events

MobOS, February 20-21 — Cluj-Napoca, Romania — The seventh edition of this mobile operating systems conference.

Mobile World Congress, February 24-27 — Barcelona, Spain — The largest mobile event in the world.

App Dev Con, March 10-13 — Amsterdam, NL — Tickets for this four day event (training and conference) are now available.