#275 — September 27, 2019

Read on the Web

Mobile Developer Weekly
Cross-platform mobile news, views, and developments

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Announcing React Native 0.61 with Fast Refresh — Version 0.61 of React Native includes a new reloading experience called ‘Fast Refresh’ which brings together live reloading and hot reloading in an elegant way. Other changes include the addition of the useWindowDimensions hook and an upgrade of the underlying React version to 16.9.

Dan Abramov

Holly Schinsky recommends

Announcing React Navigation 5.0 — Version 5.0 includes improvements to animation performance, migration to TypeScript and more.

Satyajit Sahoo

Image & Video Management Made for Mobile Developers — Simplify and automate the process of uploading, manipulating, optimizing, and delivering images and videos across every device at any bandwidth. Try Cloudinary. See how easy media management can be. Get your own free account today.

Cloudinary sponsor

Peter Cooper recommends

On Apple’s Use of Swift in iOS 13 — Apple’s push of Swift over Objective C continues unabated and “iOS 13.1 contains 141 binaries using Swift, more than doubling the number from iOS 12”.


Chris Brandrick recommends

PDF: The State of Mobile Internet Connectivity 2019 — This report, published earlier this summer, runs through the numbers for global mobile internet users (which now stands at over 3.5 billion people).


Brian Rinaldi recommends

The New NativeScript iOS Runtime Is Powered by V8 — The NativeScript team have been working on a revamp of their iOS runtime for several months now. Here’s a summary of that effort and why it matters.

Emil Tabakov

Chris Brandrick recommends

▶  Mind The Gap, User Centered Design in Large Organizations — Luke’s talks are always filled with great insight, examples and real-world data to back up his thoughts. Here he ‘redesigns’ an ecommerce site illustrating how moving from user-hostile to user-centered design can improve business outcomes.

Luke Wroblewski

Holly Schinsky recommends

Why Vue Native Is The Best Choice to Create Mobile Apps — An introduction to Vue Native for building cross-platform mobile apps.

Ayesha Cuthbert

Holly Schinsky recommends

How Is Vue Native Different From Other App Development Tools? — A look at Vue Native’s feature set and what’s causing the framework to gain popularity among mobile developers.

Matt Fitzgerald

Push the Boundaries of Video Encoding and Optimized Delivery — Don’t make your users wait for encoding. With Mux, you get the fastest video publishing possible. Videos are encoded while the first viewers watch them. Create a free account and get a $20 credit.

Mux sponsor

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Lazy Loading in NativeScript Angular 8.0 — Angular 8.0 comes with a new way for configuring lazy loaded NgModules. Here’s how to use it in NativeScript and how to migrate existing configurations.

Stanimira Vlaeva

Chris Brandrick recommends

ObjectBox Swift: Persisting Your Swift Objects Superfast and Simple — A fast and light-weight object persistence framework. The 1.0 release arrived a few days ago.


🗓 Upcoming Events

Kotlin Everywhere, October 19 — Paris, France — A conference dedicated to all uses of Kotlin.

Android Dev Summit, October 23-24 — California, USA — Plenty of sessions, hands-on experiences with product demos, and opportunities to chat with the Android Dev team and community.

Mobile Era, November 7-8 — Oslo, Norway — A multi-track conference covering iOS, Android, the mobile web, PWAs, accessibility and more.