Mobile Dev Weekly March 14, 2018   #198
Holly Schinsky recommends
Who Will Steal Android From Google? — An ex-Googler’s (Steve Yegge!) opinions on Android, its competitors, mobile developers and why it’s a good time to be one.
Steve Yegge
Peter Cooper recommends
Why I’m Giving Up Everything for Flutter “provides all of the features a mobile app developer needs, and seemingly none of the downsides”
Dean Chalk
AppiumConf - 6 April - London — Check out the brand new AppiumConf coming to London next month, featuring a speaker line-up including Dan Cuellar (Creator of Appium), Jonathan Lipps, and more than a dozen industry-leading mobile testing experts. Book by 23 March to save £100.

Peter Cooper recommends
Previewing Android P: The Next Version of Android — Includes improved Kotlin support, HDR VP9 video, ImageDecoder, display cutout support, and indoor positioning with WiFi RTT.
Android Developers Blog
Peter Cooper recommends
Video: Tooling for Progressive Web Apps — In 15 mins, see how to transform an existing single page app into a PWA, and how to use Chrome DevTools’ Audit panel to figure out where to focus your efforts to improve UX.
Google Chrome Developers
Peter Cooper recommends
UI Animation Tips to Improve Your Micro-Interactions — A collection of examples ‘going from good to great’ that could apply to Web and native apps alike.
Pablo Stanley
Peter Cooper recommends
scrcpy: Display and Control Android Devices over USB — It doesn’t require any root access and you can use Linux, Windows or macOS as the client. Potentially helpful for testing, screencasting, etc.
Mobile Web
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Auto-Sizing Columns in CSS Grid: `auto-fill` vs `auto-fit` “At first glace of the names, it might seem like auto-fill and auto-fit are opposites. But in fact, the difference between is quite subtle.”
Sara Soueidan
Chris Brandrick recommends
Sloth: One-Click Network Throttling in Chrome — A quick way to go slow for testing. Chrome Web Store. Or use DevTools’ built-in throttling.
Artem Denysov
Chris Brandrick recommends
10 Dos and Don’ts of Mobile UX Design — A collection of highly practical tips on what you should and shouldn’t do when designing a mobile app.
Nick Babich
Hybrid Apps
Holly Schinsky recommends
Learning File and Image Uploading by Building an Instagram Style App — Learn how to manage file and image uploading in your Ionic/Cordova apps by building an Instagram style app.
Rob Louie
Holly Schinsky recommends
Building an Ionic Image Gallery
Ionic Academy
Native Development
Chris Brandrick recommends
Registration for WWDC 2018 Is Now Open — Taking place in San Jose, June 4-8. Once again, the opportunity to buy tickets is offered at random.
Chris Brandrick recommends
Start Testing Your NativeScript Apps Properly
Jérémy Pelé
Holly Schinsky recommends
25 React Native Tutorials — A great selection of tutorials for learning React Native, covering animations, performance and more.
Brandon Morelli
Brian Rinaldi recommends
How to Make a Native Android App That Can Block Phone Calls
Nikola Brežnjak
Holly Schinsky recommends
Building a Connected Game With Expo — How to develop a cross-platform JavaScript game with Expo, three.js and Firebase.
Evan Bacon
Peter Cooper recommends
Introducing Kyrie: An Alternative to Animated Vector Drawables on Android
Alex Lockwood
Chris Brandrick recommends
Securely Set Up OAuth2 for Mobile Apps — How to implement authentication and authorization for mobile, browser, and native apps alike.