Mobile Web Weekly April 19, 2017   #154
Peter Cooper recommends
Mobile Web Video Playback Best Practices — Best practices from Google on creating the best mobile media experiences for the mobile Web.
Google Developers
Peter Cooper recommends
ReactXP: A Layer To Share React View Code Between Platforms — Built by the Skype team at Microsoft, ReactXP is a cross-platform layer for sharing view definitions, styles, and animations for multiple target platforms.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
6 Ways to Improve Long-Scroll Mobile Websites — Abbas Rajani shows us how to offer users a better mobile UX by optimizing the layout and content of long-scrolling mobile websites.
Linux cloud hosting starting at 1GB of RAM for $5/mo. — Get a Linode server up and running in seconds. Simply choose your plan, distro and location and you’re ready to deploy your server. Use promo code MOBILEWEB20 for a $20 credit on a new account.

Holly Schinsky recommends
Using HTML5 Canvas to Create a Rating Component in Ionic — How to build a rating component for Ionic apps using HTML5 Canvas.
Josh Morony
Chris Brandrick recommends
Develop An Angular Ionic Mobile App using Bluemix Push Services — Tim Minter runs through how to set up, configure, and test Push notifications the Angular way.
Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Use Service Workers in Progressive Web Apps — Why you should use service workers in your progressive web apps—and how to get started.
Mark Pedersen
Brian Rinaldi recommends
PWA Stats — Aggregates stats and news related to Progressive Web Apps.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Create Your First Cordova App — This guide shows you how to create your first Cordova app and deploy it to various native mobile platforms using the Cordova CLI.
Mahesh Kariya
Holly Schinsky recommends
Framework7 Tutorial — A guide to getting started with Framework7.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Continuous Integration for Mobile vs. Web Applications — A rundown of the key differences in using continuous integration for your mobile versus web apps.
Chris Brandrick recommends
TinyCrayon SDK for iOS — An SDK with tools for adding image cutout and layer mask capabilities to your mobile apps.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
RAGrid.css — A grid framework that works like auto-layout by aligning and distributing and uses recognizable attributes instead of classes.
Adam Argyle
Brian Rinaldi recommends
JavaScript Server-Side Rendering with Device Detection — The benefits of server-side rendering with device detection and an example of how to implement it using the Vue.js framework.
Ruadhán O'Donoghue
Holly Schinsky recommends
Network Detection for Apps Wrapped in a UIWebView — An approach for handling online/offline detection for Ruby/Rails/Framework7 powered apps inside a UIWebView.
Michael Edlund
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Replace Bootstrap Layouts with CSS Grid — Now that CSS Grid Layout is a reality, this article explores what it would take to replace an existing grid framework with CSS Grid.
Dan Brown
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Conversions: Psychology Behind Mobile Behaviors — A summary of Nathalie Nahai’s session discussing psychological principles to consider when designing mobile experiences.
Luke Wroblewski
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Understanding the Default Ionic Plugins — A look at the six plugins are automatically installed when you create a new Ionic application.
Chris Griffith
Chris Brandrick recommends
Deploying An Ionic App As A Mobile Website
Saurabh Odhyan
Holly Schinsky recommends
What Are The Basic Differences Between PhoneGap, Ionic, Titanium and Cordova? — An explanation and comparison of some popular mobile app solutions.
Mahesh Kariya