Brian Rinaldi recommends
Chris Brandrick recommends
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Peter Cooper recommends
Mobile 2.0 — Thoughts from a key industry pundit: “If in 2004 we had ‘Web 2.0’, now there’s a lot of ‘Mobile 2.0’ around. If Web 2.0 said ‘lots of people have broadband and modern browsers now’, Mobile 2.0 says ‘there are a billion people with high-end smartphones now’.” Benedict Evans
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Holly Schinsky recommends
Chris Brandrick recommends
Holly Schinsky recommends
Apache Cordova Windows 5.0.0 — Cordova 5.0.0 for Windows has been released and includes a major change in resource-file behavior, WinMD + C++ based DLL support, a new buildFlag feature and more. Apache Cordova
Za'e Johnson recommends
Chris Brandrick recommends
Holly Schinsky recommends
Chris Brandrick recommends
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Holly Schinsky recommends
Holly Schinsky recommends
Holly Schinsky recommends
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Chris Brandrick recommends