Mobile Web Weekly September 28, 2016   #127
Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Create a Native App Combining Angular 2 and React Native — Learn how to combine Angular 2 features with React Native Components in order to quickly create dynamic native applications.
Matthieu Drula
Brian Rinaldi recommends
How to Set Up Analytics On Your AMP Pages — An overview of AMP analytics options.
Arudea Mahartianto
Peter Cooper recommends
The Future of the Mobile Web — Paul is a Developer Advocate on the Google Chrome team. He’s currently working on improving web performance on mobile. 54 minutes.
Paul Kinlan
Stop wasting time - know what you'll earn before the interview — On Hired, sign up in 10 minutes and get offers from top companies like GitHub, Uber, & Stripe. Engineers get an average of 5 offers on the platform in 1 week.

Brian Rinaldi recommends
Responsive Design is Killing Two-Thirds of Your Conversions. — There is a large gap in conversions between desktop and mobile largely because many RWDs are simply reconfigured desktop sites.
Talia Wolf
Peter Cooper recommends
Apple and Google Browser Tweaks Could Boost Mobile Video — Apple and Google have made tweaks to Safari and Chrome to enable video content to play automatically.
Jack Marshall
Chris Brandrick recommends
Stop iOS 10 Safari Auto-Locking — The playsinline video attribute recently added to iOS 10 can stop your iPhone from auto-locking, and could be open to misuse.
Ryan Seddon
Holly Schinsky recommends
The 4 Stages of Perf Tuning Your Angular2 App — Four ways to performance tune your Angular2 apps.
Vinci Rufus
Brian Rinaldi recommends
'Angular Native', A Possible Term for Angular 2 + NativeScript? — Jeff argues for renaming “NativeScript with Angular 2” as “Angular Native.”
Jeff Whelpley
Holly Schinsky recommends
Flashlight PhoneGap Plugin — Cordova plugin for using the torch / flashlight of your device.
Eddy Verbruggen
Holly Schinsky recommends
PhoneGap Plugin Roundup — The Adobe Creative SDK and PhoneGap teams have been at work on more PhoneGap plugins and templates. Check out the latest!
The Adobe Creative SDK Blog
Chris Brandrick recommends
Building Hybrid Apps With ChakraCore
Eric Rozell
Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Manipulate Data in Ionic 2: Part 2 — Part 2 in a series on controlling data in Ionic 2 apps using map, filter, and reduce.
Josh Morony
Holly Schinsky recommends
Visual Dividers in Mobile UI Design — Tips for using visual dividers in your mobile UI designs.
Nick Babich
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Chrome for Android Will Let You Download Entire Web Pages and Use Less Data for Video — Chrome’s Data Saver mode will soon be able to compress video to use up to 67% less data and a new Download feature is for when you have no connectivity at all.
Sam Byford
Holly Schinsky recommends
14 Progressive Web App Resources — 14 tools, tutorials and blogs to help you learn more about building progressive web apps.
Chris Mills
Brian Rinaldi recommends
What Progressive Web Apps Might Mean for Your Site and SEO Should you have one? And if you create one, how will you make sure it ranks?
Pete Wailes
Try to convert existing web to native Android & iOS — GoNative is a better approach to hybrid app development, using your existing web application with no changes required.