Mobile Web Weekly August 3, 2016   #119
Peter Cooper recommends
Google AMP To Become A Much Bigger Deal, Show Up in Everybody’s Mobile Search Results “Wherever there’s an AMP page, Google will display it in the result (with an AMP lightning bolt).”
Shan Wang
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Mastering Responsive Web Design: The Dos and Don'ts “Web design for mobile platforms is not about cramming all of your site’s content onto a smaller screen.”
Stephen Moyers
Holly Schinsky recommends
Ionic GO: Create a 'Pokémon Go' Style Interface in Ionic 2 — How to add an augmented reality mode, like Pokémon GO, to your own apps with Ionic 2.
Josh Morony
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Stop The Overuse of Overflow Menus — “A scourge that should be rooted out, crushed underfoot, and drowned in a sea of toxic sludge.”
Daniel Burka
Get 5+ Engineering Job Offers in 1 Week — With Hired, companies apply to hire you - get salary and equity offers before you interview from companies like Facebook, Postmates, & Square

Brian Rinaldi recommends
How to Throttle Web Scroll Events — Camilo Reyes shows how to use a throttle function to manage rapidly fired events, like window scrolling events, and compares this to the debounce function.
Peter Cooper recommends
Mobile Input Types — A look at different HTML input types on mobile and a reminder that “next time you’re building a mobile product, take a moment to consider the input type”.
Jack Holmes
Holly Schinsky recommends
Authenticating Users Via OAuth with Cordova and Ionic — In this tutorial Jay Raj looks at cordovaOAuth — an AngularJS extension which allows mobile devs to add Oauth authorization to their Cordova based apps.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Your Guide to Getting Started with Mobile SEO — Traditional SEO techniques don’t work the same for mobile SEO. This starter guide aims to help set you up for success.
Chris Brandrick recommends
PWA in Small Steps — How use service workers to progressively improve the mobile web experience. Filmed at the 2016 Progressive Web App Summit.
Google Chrome Developers
Holly Schinsky recommends
Using the Diagnostics Plugin with Ionic Native — How to use the Diagnostics plugin in your hybrid apps with Ionic Native.
Raymond Camden
Holly Schinsky recommends
Exploring Nav Hierarchy in the Ionic 2 Tabs Page — From a few months ago, but a great in-depth explanation of how Ionic 2’s Nav and NavController work.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
NativeScript or Hybrid? How to Choose — Mobile experts discuss when to use hybrid (i.e. Cordova) or use a JavaScript native solution.
VanToll, Looper, Branstein et al
Holly Schinsky recommends
React Worker DOM — A React custom renderer using web workers to show how they can increase the performance of your apps built with React.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Konga EZ: Our Progressive Web Apps Journey — How and why Konga EZ decided to use Progressive Web Apps to deliver a consistent experience to their users.
Celestine Omin
Chris Brandrick recommends
Cross-Platform Native Apps With A Single Code Set Using Telerik NativeScript — Some of the common problems with developing mobile applications, both native and hybrid, and how NativeScript by Telerik could fill the gap.
Nic Raboy
Chris Brandrick recommends
Hamburger Menus and Hidden Navigation Hurt UX Metrics — This report concludes that hidden navigation and menus cut discoverability nearly in half, and make tasks harder for the user to complete.
Kara Pernice and Raluca Budiu
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Learn Apache Cordova: The Basics Released
Rangle’s Official Angular 2 Training Book. Build Powerful, Scalable Apps — This extensive training book, created by the Rangle team, covers Angular 2 topics including how to get started with the Angular 2 toolchain and write scalable and maintainable apps.