Mobile Web Weekly July 27, 2016   #118
Chris Brandrick recommends
Mobile First: Insights From Going Mobile Only — An extensive writeup of what a developer experienced by going ‘mobile only’ for a month, and the best practices he picked up.
Joe Toscano
Holly Schinsky recommends
Add Offline Support to Any Web App — How to add support for offline caching to your apps to provide an instant loading experience.
Wassim Chegham
Holly Schinsky recommends
Mobile Web Navigation Best Practices — An in-depth article on mobile web navigation tips and best practices you can use to provide the best experience for your apps.
Visual Hierarchy Blog
AngularJS Tutorial: Build a Feature Loaded Chat App — Learn to build your own AngularJS chat app with realtime messages and more in no time. View Tutorial.

Brian Rinaldi recommends
Responsive Web Design is not Mobile First — Shrinking your desktop site to fit on a phone using RWD techniques, as many companies do, is not an approach that will make mobile users happy.
The Huffington Post
Peter Cooper recommends
Why Marketers Should Care About Mobile Page Speed — New research reveals the factors that cause your mobile site to underperform.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Create A Mobile App From Your Angular 2 Web App with NativeScript — How to take an Angular 2 web app and bring it to mobile using NativeScript.
Nic Raboy
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Use React Native to a Create a Face Recognition App — How to use the Microsoft Face API within React Native.
Wern Ancheta
Holly Schinsky recommends
Real-Time Chat App with OnsenUI and Horizon — Learn how to build a mobile chat app with Onsen UI, RethinkDB and the Horizon open source real-time backend.
Onsen UI
Chris Brandrick recommends
Conversational Interfaces: Where Are We Today? Where Are We Heading? — The current state of conversational interfaces, the challenges they bring and where things are heading.
Cosima Mielke
Holly Schinsky recommends
React App SDK: A New Productivity Tool for Building React Apps — React APP SDK is a new productivity tool for front-end developers building apps with React/Webpack and requires a single dependency with no build configurations.
Konstantin Tarkus
Holly Schinsky recommends
imperiojs Library: To Bridge the Gap Between Mobile and Desktop — A new open-source JavaScript interaction library that allows you to control your laptop browser using your mobile device.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Fact Checking The Web… or Just Some Reddit Thread About NativeScript — A response to some recent Reddit comments that reflect common misperceptions about NativeScript.
Brad Martin
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Q2 Android WebView Statistics — The latest batch of data from Scientia Mobile shows that well over 60% of Android phones run the latest Chromium WebView.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Accessible UI Components for the Web — A look at the four key areas of disability to consider: visual, hearing, mobility and cognition.
Addy Osmani
Holly Schinsky recommends
User Experience Monitoring on Hybrid Applications — How to create a hybrid mobile app and add user experience monitoring to it with Dynatrace.
Bert Van der Heyden
Holly Schinsky recommends
Part 2: Creating a Multiple User App with Ionic 2, PouchDB & CouchDB — Part 2 of a tutorial on how to create an app with PouchDB and CouchDB that supports multiple users and authentication.
Josh Morony
Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile Developers — Web & mobile devs get all their favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDE.

Brian Rinaldi recommends
The Progress of Web Apps — An update to an earlier Medium article about PWAs and Windows that reflects more recent information.
Microsoft Edge Team
Holly Schinsky recommends
Bootstrap to Ionic: Converts Bootstrap 3 Themes to Ionic
Max Lynch
Holly Schinsky recommends
The Best of Google I/O 2016 — A post covering highlights from Google I/O including ServiceWorkers, CSS containment, payment APIs, animation techniques, devtools features and more.
Andrew Betts
Holly Schinsky recommends
Tips and Tricks for Styling Ionic 2 Applications — Specific “tips & tricks” relevant to Ionic 2 development.
Josh Morony
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