Mobile Web Weekly June 15, 2016   #112
Peter Cooper recommends
Apple Pay Is Coming to The Mobile Web — Apple announced at its WWDC keynote that it will be expanding its popular Apple Pay system to mobile web browsers.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Google Preparing Big Optimizations For Chrome 53, 47% Improvement On Motion Mark By WebKit — Chrome 53 will be out in September and promises large improvements across the board due to all the optimizations it contains.
Phil Oakley
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Our Web Obesity Epidemic — Sites are getting too big for a mobile world, and progressive web apps and AMP (both from Google) offer some potential solutions, with constraints.
Dion Almaer
Work on a Better Stack — On Hired, engineers typically get 5+ job offers in 1 week. Find that new opportunity you've been craving and get access to 3,500+ companies instantly.

Brian Rinaldi recommends
Page Speed Will Soon Affect Mobile Rankings — At the Search Marketing Summit, Google said that it is planning to use mobile page speed as a key metric for the ranking of mobile pages in the future.
Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Create An Instagram-Like App with Ionic 2
Janez Čadež's blog
Peter Cooper recommends
How Mobile Is Overtaking Desktop for Global Media Consumption, in 5 Charts — Mobile internet use is continuing strong growth past normal computers, while use of all other traditional media is shrinking, new research shows.
Jemm Brackebush
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Progressive Web Apps – Let’s Not Repeat The Errors From The Beginning of Responsive Web Design — Don’t concentrate on device-specific solutions.
Michael Scharnagl
Chris Brandrick recommends
The Mobile App Comparison Chart: Hybrid Vs. Native Vs. Mobile Web — A comparison chart looking at all the developer differences and feature sets of differing mobile web options.
Joe Stangarone
Holly Schinsky recommends
Time Travel in React Redux apps using the Redux DevTools — How to integrate the Redux DevTools in your hybrid React apps to use for debugging and time travel.
Onsen UI
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Most Online Ads Suck — The data from Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report shows that we need to make better ads and target them for mobile.
Steve Ellis
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Progressive Web Apps Isn’t A Google-Only Thing — Progressive Web Apps isn’t a technology, but a terminology which describes rich websites.
Arthur Stolyar
Try RASON™ – And Start Using Advance Analytics in Your Web/Mobile Apps — Solve powerful optimization & simulation models in your app easily with RASON®. Use a high-level modeling language embedded in JSON, & a simple, Azure-backed REST API. by Frontline Systems Inc

Holly Schinsky recommends
The Coolest New Features of iOS 10 — Apple’s latest iOS 10 for mobile devices is the company’s biggest release ever, offering new features like image recognition in Photos, a revamped Music app and a new home automation app called Home.
Justin Yu
Holly Schinsky recommends
TPDP Episode #6: PouchDB and its Usefulness in Development — If you’re looking to manage and synchronize data in your hybrid apps, learn how PouchDB to see how it can make the task significantly easier.
Nic Raboy / Nolan Lawson
Holly Schinsky recommends
New App Store Review Guidelines — Apple announced it has updated their app store review guidelines to be better organized and provide more context.
Apple Developer
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Install Xcodeproj For NativeScript iOS Development on Mac OS — Nic Raboy shows how to install the Xcodeproj tool to manage Xcode projects from Ruby, so you can do NativeScript iOS development.
The Polyglot Developer
Holly Schinsky recommends
vue-framework7 — Framework7 components built with Vue.js; reactive components for modern web interfaces.
Job listing
Web Developer at William Hill, Gibraltar — Are you are a Web Developer with excellent JavaScript coding skills? Our ideal candidate would be someone who enjoys JavaScript and has an interest to work cross-functions, pro-active throughout, with a focus on delivery.
William Hill