Android is the most popular operating system in the world. It is on more devices and computers than Windows, iOS, and MacOS combined. In this complete video course from Ryan Kay, you will learn how to build native apps for Android using Kotlin.

This full course explains how to build an entire Android app using best practices. You will learn how to use Android Jetpack, Firebase, Room, MVVM, Navigation, LiveData, and Kotlin Coroutines.

Android Jetpack is a collection of Android software components which can help you build great Android apps easily. This course shows how to use these components to simplify the development process.

Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform developed by Google that helps you build, improve, and grow your app. It helps with data storage, hosting, authentication, analytics, and more. Learn how to use Firebase to power your Android app in this course.

What will you build?

In this course, you will learn how to build native apps by creating an app called SpaceNotes. It is a Kotlin-based Android application. The app uses Coroutines for concurrency and cross-module/boundary communication, a Clean Domain Layer to allow the application to work properly across multiple platforms, and some APIs from Android Architecture Component and Firebase.

Part of the app you will build.

Ryan calls the architectures style of this app "Model-View-Whatever". It a software architecture that has no particular style, yet accommodates all situations. He uses parts of all common styles of architectures (MVP, MVC, or MVVM) based on whatever feature he is creating. This allows you to get experience with many different concepts.

Watch the full course below or on the YouTube channel (3.5 hour watch).