#​375 — October 1, 2021

Read on the Web

✍️ Hello! Just a quick programming note for you: Mobile Dev Weekly will be taking a break next week, so we will be back in your inbox on October 15th. See you then.
The Mobile Dev Weekly Team

📱 Mobile Dev Weekly

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Set Safari Free — A response to the three most common arguments Apple defenders use to justify the company's ban on competing browser engines on iOS and iPad OS.

Bruce Lawson

📱 Related:

iOS Browser Choice — There’s been a lot of noise around iOS's lack of real browser choice and Chris of CSS Tricks weighs in with his views and shares the thoughts of some others.
Chris Coyier

Apple's Browser Engine Ban Is Holding Back Web App Innovation — Should web apps emulate the advanced functionality of native apps? In fact, there is a long and rich history of apps running on the web.
Richard MacManus

Streamline Debugging with Network Request Breadcrumbs — Are failed or slow network requests causing errors in your mobile apps? Quickly investigate and debug with network request breadcrumbs for errors in Android, iOS, and React Native apps. Learn more.

Bugsnag sponsor

Holly Schinsky recommends

A New Form System for Flutter — A straightforward system to use for building complex Flutter forms with only a few lines of code.

Gaspard Merten

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Swift 5.5 Extends Concurrency Support, Enums, Property Wrappers, and More — We shared news of Swift 5.5’s arrival last week, and now here’s an overview of the most important new features.

Sergio De Simone

Chris Brandrick recommends

How 'Swappie' Increased Mobile Revenue by 42% by Focusing On Core Web Vitals — A case study looking at how refurbished phone reseller Swappie increased conversions by optimizing their web app for Core Web Vitals. Lina points out that finding correlation between site perf and biz metrics was key to the success of their optimization efforts.

Lina Hansson

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Front-End Dev Shortcuts in iOS 15 — Exploring pre-made shortcuts in the iOS Shortcuts app that can be very useful for web development.

Geoff Graham

Brian Rinaldi recommends

Integrate Authentication to your Android App with Auth0 — A look at setting up a local project for integrating Auth0, and then getting the app up on the Auth0 dashboard.

Gourav Khunger

Holly Schinsky recommends

The Way to User Perfect UX/UI — How to design and develop the best user interface for your mobile apps.

Ayo Oladele beginner