Mobile Dev Weekly November 9, 2018   #232
Brian Rinaldi recommends
NativeScript 5.0 Released — Learn all about the developer-focused productivity improvements like Hot Module Replacement, a new interactive CLI, and the tns preview command (allowing you to start developing for iOS on Windows).
Veselina Radeva and Emil Tabakov
Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Design 'Scannable' App Screenshots — App screenshots are the second reason users install an app, after ratings, learn how to ensure you’re creating the best ones for your apps.
Girish Rawat
What Is a Video API and When Do You Need One? — Ten quick answers to what Mux Video is, what it’s not, and how to use it.

Brian Rinaldi recommends
The End Is Near for Mobile Apps? — Controversial! Some interesting reasons why the app ecosystem may disappear in the next three to seven years, according to the author.
Lance Ng
Chris Brandrick recommends
Building an iOS App Without Xcode's Build System — A very thorough and accessible walthrough of replicating the iOS app building process ‘manually’. Of course, after you try it, you might be ready to head back to Xcode ;-)
Vojta Stavik
Holly Schinsky recommends
Pitching Flutter to Your Company or Client — The business case for Flutter and why you should be pitching it to your company and clients.
Wm Leler
Holly Schinsky recommends
Using `calc()` to Change The Height of a Hero Component — For situations where you need to mix relative units and pixels. For example: calc(24px + (18 - 24)*(100vw - 400px)/(1200 - 400)).
Martino Stenta
Chris Brandrick recommends
Android: A 10-Year Visual History — A deep dive down memory lane into every version of Android.
The Verge
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Chrome Will Soon Ad-Block An Entire Website If It Shows Abusive Ads “With Chrome 71, Google is stepping up its fight against the internet’s abusive ads problem by blocking every ad on a site that persistently shows them.”
Jon Porter
Holly Schinsky recommends
How To Build a Virtual Reality Model with Real-Time Cross-Device Preview — A walkthrough of programming three-dimensional objects and adding simple interactions.
Alvin Wan
Chris Brandrick recommends
Server-Side Swift: Making Canopy — The first in a series looking at using server-side Swift to build a mobile app.
Max Howell
Peter Cooper recommends
Building Shopify's Point of Sale App for Android Using MVVM — Shopify’s Android app uses a Model-View-ViewModel pattern based on Google’s App Architecture Guide as announced last year at Google I/O 2017.
Shopify Engineering
Shop Like a Developer with Manifold 2.0 — Everything you need to discover and experiment with that hot new cloud service–because who impulse buys infrastructure?

Holly Schinsky recommends
Ionic Release: v4 Beta 15 Released
The Official Ionic Blog
Chris Brandrick recommends
Panels: A Framework to Easily Add Sliding Panels to Your iOS Apps — Built in Swift. There’s a tutorial on how to get started too.
Antonio Casero
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Progressive Web Apps vs Native Apps — When and Which to Choose — Some pros and cons on when to consider a PWA versus native development for an app.
Anton Shaleynikov
Brian Rinaldi recommends
15 Must-Have Resources for Ionic App Developers