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An Open Governance Model for the AMP Project — The new governance model includes representation from a number of companies and open web advocates and aims to address one of the most significant complaints of the community. Accelerated Mobile Pages Project
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iOS 12 Review: The Fixes Are in — Apple’s latest mobile OS update focuses on making things work, instead of adding new features, particularly for older devices. Chaim Gartenberg
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The Latest Apple Developer Videos — Developing for the new iPhones or latest Apple Watch? You’ll want to catch these latest videos from Apple which dig into the technical considerations behind their latest releases and features. Apple, Inc.
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One SDK for All Your Tools — Add Segment to your app and send user data to any tool without having to learn, test, or implement a new API every time. Segment
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Evolving Mobile Architecture at Reddit — The first in a series on the architectural work being carried out on the Reddit iOS app. This post discusses the work done to the UI. Andrew Rohn (Reddit)
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