Mobile Dev Weekly August 22, 2018   #221
Brian Rinaldi recommends
UX and HTML5: Let's Help Users Fill In Your Mobile Forms — Best practices to improve your mobile forms, including scannability and readability. There’s a lot to chew on here.
Stéphanie Walter
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Android 9 Pie Review: The Predictive OS — Described as the most “opinionated” version of Android yet.
Dieter Bohn (The Verge)
Take Payments in Your App with Square Hardware — Run through our sample app for Square Reader SDK. Make a cookie selling app that uses Square hardware to take payments in minutes. Great for that Girl Scout in your life.
Square Developer

Holly Schinsky recommends
Social Steps: The Story of Building a Mobile MVP — An in-depth walkthrough of the process a couple of developers took to turn a personal side app idea into reality successfully.
Pierluigi Rufo
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Practical CSS Scroll Snapping — CSS scroll snapping allows you to lock the viewport to certain elements or locations after a user has finished scrolling. It is currently supported in iOS.
Maxa Kohler
Peter Cooper recommends
'I Published an iOS App with ClojureScript and React Native' — Not a particularly common stack choice at the moment, but ClojureScript has a lot of appeal if you like working with more functional languages and approaches.
Joshua Miller
Peter Cooper recommends
How Could Be a More Valuable Resource for the Swift Community? — Swift-using iOS developer? Apple wants your insights into how the Swift community site could be more valuable to you.
Ted Kremenek (Apple)
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Easy and Responsive Modern CSS Grid Layout — Ahmed Bouchefra shows how to create a responsive modern CSS Grid layout, demonstrating how to use fallback code for old browsers.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Making the Most of Flutter: From Basics to Customization — A deeper look at how Flutter works and is compiled on multiple platforms.
Alibaba Tech
Check Out The Mobile Dev Landscape In The 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant — Use this report to evaluate the current state of the industry, market trends, and vendor strengths and weaknesses.
Progress Kinvey

Holly Schinsky recommends
Build Your First Android AR App with ARCore and Sceneform in 5 Minutes — How to get started building an Augmented Reality Android app using Google’s new Sceneform SDK.
Calum Gathergood
Holly Schinsky recommends
Exposing Notification Settings to the Android System — How to expose notification settings to allows users to quickly and easily alter their notification settings directly from the system.
Joe Birch
Holly Schinsky recommends
Designing For Micro-Moments — How to design for micro-moments in your mobile apps to increase website conversion rates.
Suzanne Scacca
Chris Brandrick recommends
Migrating an Objective-C Class to Swift: A Piecemeal Approach
Ole Begemann
Chris Brandrick recommends
Exploring Firebase Authentication on iOS — How to set up Firebase Authentication and get it added to your apps.
Joe Birch
Peter Cooper recommends
7 Principles of Great Unit Tests — Adapted For Android
Cody Engel
Peter Cooper recommends
Xcode Releases: Direct Download Links to Xcode Releases — iOS (and macOS) developers may find this particularly handy (though you do need the right privileges to access the final files).
Brian Rinaldi recommends
The PRPL Pattern for Progressive Web Applications using Angular 6+ — PRPL pattern is a new technique used for building modern progressive web applications.
Vlado Tesanovic