Mobile Dev Weekly October 4, 2017   #178
Holly Schinsky recommends
Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools Compared — Summaries and pros and cons of Cordova, Phonegap, Ionic, Framework 7, Weex, React Native, NativeScript, Flutter, Jasonette, and Manifold.
Stanley Idesis
Brian Rinaldi recommends
CSS Grid Gotchas And Stumbling Blocks — CSS Grid is such a different way of approaching Web layout that a variety of questions often pop up, some of which are answered here.
Rachel Andrew
2017 Video Developer Report - Free Download — 78% of video developers encode for HLS (56% for DASH) - The majority of developers plan to use HEVC in 2018 - Cloud encoding 45% more popular in US than Europe. Get the full 24 page report.

Holly Schinsky recommends
Using Preact as a React Alternative — Ahmed Bouchefra takes a look at Preact, a lightweight version of React with a growing community that’s well suited to high-performance apps and slow 2G networks.
Ahmed Bouchefra
Brian Rinaldi recommends
How to Use iOS 11 Safari's Feature Flags — iOS 11 lets you enable a variety of ‘experimental features’ for the Safari browser, including Web Animations support and support for display: contents.
Robin Rendle
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Walmart Labs Open Sources Its Tool for Bringing React Native to Existing Mobile Apps
Frederic Lardinois
Brian Rinaldi recommends
'safe-area-inset' Values on iOS 11 — safe-area-inset prevents your site from being covered by the iPhone 'notch', but it may misfire whenever the user zooms in.
Peter-Paul Koch
Holly Schinsky recommends
Creating Mobile Web Apps with Framework7 and Marionette.js
Luiz Américo Pereira Câmara
Holly Schinsky recommends
8 Reasons to Develop A Progressive Web App — What makes PWAs so attractive and why should you be using them?
Ian Naylor
Database Performance Monitoring Buyer’s Guide — This guide is designed to aid when evaluating database monitoring solutions for your unique environment.

Brian Rinaldi recommends
Node.js for Mobile Apps: Full-Fledged Node for Android and iOS — Offers a Node execution environment running in a background thread inside your app.
Alexis Campailla
Chris Brandrick recommends
Weex: A Framework for Building Mobile Cross-Platform UIs — You write Vue.js-style code using JavaScript, but it’s native ‘under the hood’.
Apache Software Foundation
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Size Limit: Make The Web Lighter — Size Limit is an npm-based tool to warn you about JavaScript libraries’ bloat (which can be especially important on mobile).
Andy Barnov and Andrey Sitnik