Mobile Web Weekly August 9, 2017   #170
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Make Sites Look Native Without The App Store — Using the Web Manifest spec to ensure your app looks like the real deal.
Chris Love
Brian Rinaldi recommends
'Above The Fold' Is A Myth — Does above the fold really matter anymore? Rob Lafratta thinks not and links to resources that agree.
Rob Lafratta
Creating a ride-booking app with React Native and Pusher — Learn how you can create a ride-booking app similar to Uber, Lyft or Grab with React Native and Pusher.

Holly Schinsky recommends
PhoneGap 7.0.1 Now On Build — Build infrastructure changes, security updates and performance enhancements.
Ryan Willoughby
Holly Schinsky recommends
What’s New in Angular 5: Easier Progressive Web Apps — Angular 5 is due in September and is expected to introduce features to make building progressive web apps simpler.
Paul Krill
Za'e Johnson recommends
What's New in iOS 11 — An overview of iOS 11 and three new APIs that the new OS introduces.
James Frost
Chris Brandrick recommends
'Samsung Internet' Browser Reaches Beta V6.2 — Available for the first time for all Android 5.0 (Lollipop) phones.
Peter O'Shaughnessy
Brian Rinaldi recommends
The BBC Is Rolling Out A New Font Designed for Mobile — The font is easier to read and will save the broadcaster money.
The Verge
Chris Brandrick recommends
What You Get for Free with a Progressive Web App — Add to Home Screen banners, special icons, search engine placements and more…
Paul O'Shaughnessy
Holly Schinsky recommends
Using Firebase Cloud Functions in an Ionic application
JavaScript Screencasts And Tutorials
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Creating Vertical Tabs in Ionic
Chris Griffith
Holly Schinsky recommends
Create A Calculator App with Ionic Framework 3 — How to create a calculator app using Ionic Framework 3 and the Ionic Creator.
Nikola Brežnjak
Holly Schinsky recommends
Implementing Google OAuth with AWS in Ionic — How to implement Google OAuth with AWS in your Ionic apps.
Matthieu Drula
$20 Free on a new Linode account — Linux cloud hosting starting at 1GB of RAM for $5/mo. Use promo code MOBILEWEB20 for $20 credit.

Chris Brandrick recommends
How to Launch Android Emulators and iOS Simulators From the Command Line — TJ VanToll shows how he set up command line commands to launch the iOS and Android simulators to simplify the workflow when building a mobile app.
Telerik Developer Network
Holly Schinsky recommends
Building Progressive Web Games — Part one in a series on how to bring your games to the web as a Progressive Web App. Part two here.
Prateek Bhatnagar
Holly Schinsky recommends
DisplayJS: A Simple, Lightweight JS Framework for Building Ambitious UIs
Arthur Guiot
Holly Schinsky recommends
Best Mobile Components for Vue.js PWAs
Rahman Ardian