Mobile Web Weekly May 10, 2017   #157
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Guidelines to Avoid Google's Penalty on Intrusive Interstitials — A detailed look at the types of interstitials that will be penalized by Google and the types that won’t.
Myriam Jessier
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Have Web Standards on Mobile Caught Up to PhoneGap in 2017? — A look at the state of web standards for each of the core PhoneGap/Cordova plugins to see if the mobile web has caught up in 2017.
Raymond Camden
Convert any major image format into a highly optimized JPEG is a free online service for rapidly converting your images into highly optimized JPEGs using proprietery JPEG optimization algorithms. Optimize all your images in one go and greatly speed-up your websites and applications.

Holly Schinsky recommends
Apache Cordova 7.0.0 Released — Apache Cordova 7.0.0 has been released with numerous changes to the use of package.json, a new config command, support for custom platforms and more.
Apache Cordova
Brian Rinaldi recommends
NativeScript 3.0 Now Available — The new release includes a new cross platform modules implementation, CLI improvements, and more.
Georgi Atanasov
Holly Schinsky recommends
Announcing Ionic CLI v3 — Non-essential commands and functionality have now been split out into plugins. This post looks at some of the changes.
The Official Ionic Blog
Chris Brandrick recommends
From Idea To Development: How To Write Mobile App Requirements That Work — Not sure how to write a mobile application requirements document? Here are the basic steps of how to get started and what a good one looks like.
Eduard Khorkov
Peter Cooper recommends
Google Is Developing A New Mobile Operating System — It’s called Fuchsia and could potentially be an Android replacement. It’s partly written in Dart.
Quincy Larson
Peter Cooper recommends
The Basic Patterns of Mobile Navigation — Examining five basic navigation patterns for mobile experiences as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Nick Babich
Brian Rinaldi recommends
How to Setup AMP Support for WordPress — How to add an AMP version of a WordPress site using the AMP plugin created by Automattic.
Kezz Bracey
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Mobile First, Desktop Worst — The author says that Mobile First has led many designers to misapply mobile patterns to desktop designs.
Oliver Brooks
Holly Schinsky recommends
What The World Needs Now Are More Progressive Web Apps — Progressive Web Apps allow you to access the majority of the capabilities as the full-sized version of a mobile app while also saving storage.
Android Central
Peter Cooper recommends
AWS and Ionic Team Up to Build a 'Full-Stack Starter' — The Ionic AWS Starter generates an Ionic app complete with a pre-configured AWS Mobile Hub project ready to go.
The Official Ionic Blog
Peter Cooper recommends
Instagram Launches Mobile Web Sharing to Pursue Global Growth — Using the mobile web helps Instagram reach places it can’t with an app.
Josh Constine
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Google's Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Directory — A PWA directory, focusing on collecting PWA best practices and examples.