Mobile Web Weekly March 22, 2017   #150
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Retrofit Your Site as a Progressive Web App — A short, sweet and practical guide showing how to convert an existing site to a simple PWA.
Craig Buckler
Holly Schinsky recommends
Chrome 58 Beta Allows for Full Screen PWAs — With Chrome 57 featuring big leaps for PWAs on Android, version 58 continues by enabling immersive full screen experiences and full support for IndexedDB 2.0.
Pro Ember.js: An advanced 2-day training event in Berlin — We'll tackle progressive web apps, modular architecture patterns, performance tuning, authentication & more!

Holly Schinsky recommends
Top 10 Progressive Web App Videos: Get Up to Speed Fast — The current state of progressive web apps and how to build them.
Mitch Pronschinske
Chris Brandrick recommends
How to Send an SMS and Make Phone Calls with Angular NativeScript — Paul runs through how you can add SMS support to your NativeScript application.
Paul Halliday
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Create a Realtime Chat interface with NativeScript, Firebase and Angular — Jen expands her Twitter for Cats demo with a realistic chat UI similar to the one on Twitter using Firebase’s realtime features.
Jen Looper
Holly Schinsky recommends
Mobile UX Anti-Patterns: Pinterest’s Confusing Tab Bar — Tab bars are easy to access and make navigation fast, but will only be effective if when designed to be straightforward and descriptive.
Patrick Petrovic
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Tabris.js 2 Now Supports Windows 10 Apps — A cross-platform ‘mobile apps with JavaScript’ framework.
Tim Buschtöns
Brian Rinaldi recommends
New Split Pane and More: Ionic 2.2.0 Is Out — Includes an update for Angular 2.4.8 support as well as a new split pane for responsive apps.
The Official Ionic Blog
Holly Schinsky recommends
Building a Lunch Recommendation App with React Native — A thorough tutorial with an accompanying 15 minute screencast.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Build A Chat App in 20 Minutes with Vue.js, PhoneGap and Framework7
Timo Ernst
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Making a Sliding Side Navigation Menu for Responsive Designs — Creating an expandable side navigation menu with JS and CSS.
Tom Whitbread
Peter Cooper recommends
Eruda: A 'Console' for Mobile Browsers — A Chrome DevTools-style panel you can bring up when on mobile devices.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Top 5 jQuery UI Alternatives
Simon Codrington